In the lowland areas of the Western Ghats parts of the Goa and in the hilly tracts of the Belgaum, it is quite common to hear the tinkling ‘trick, trick’ 12 to 14 note chorus call from the mud pools, paddy fields and local water bodies in the monsoon during the late evening. Many of

The Govindram Seksaria Science College Belgaum and the Mhadei Research Center recently signed a Memorandum of Understanding for sharing of research data and collaborating on conservation science projects in the Mhadei Bio region. The two organizations will also cooperate and facilitate training programs and seminars for students of science as well as the general public

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Atul Arun Sinai Borker

Congratulations !! Team member Atul Arun Sinai Borker becomes Full Member of the IUCN/SSC Otter Specialist Group.